Cambodia  » 

Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh, the capital city of Cambodia, is a vibrant and bustling metropolis that offers a unique blend of traditional and modern culture. The city is home to a plethora of stunning photography locations that capture the essence of Cambodia's rich history and culture. From the iconic Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda to the bustling markets and vibrant street scenes, Phnom Penh offers endless opportunities for photographers to capture the beauty and diversity of this fascinating city.

Royal Palace, Phnom Penh
Royal Palace
by David ruiz luna

Durante el ascenso por el rio Mekong, dejamos atrás Vietnam para entrar en Camboya.

Phnom Penh es su Capital. La historia reciente de este país es realmente cruel. Durante el Genocidio llevado a cabo por los Jemeres Rojos, hubo un exterminio masivo de civiles, que redujo la población de Camboya de 7,5 a 6 millones de habitantes.

De hecho, el conflicto acabó recientemente. No fue hasta la muerte de Pol Pot en 1998 que los Jemeres Rojos que quedaban se rindieron.

Actualmente, este país esta en reconstrucción de todo lo destruido tanto material como lo no material. Su población, la gran mayoría menor de 30 años, vive y trabaja con ilusión para levantarlo. No obstante, existen todavía temas deleznables como la prostitución de menores, hecho evidente en la Capital entre los turistas y niñas adolescentes.

La imagen que os muestro es del Palacio Real. Phnom Penh, Camboya, Septiembre 2014.

Going upriver the Mekong River, we left Vietnam to enter Cambodia.

Phnom Penh is its Capital. The recent history of this country is really cruel. During the Genocide carried out by Khmer Rouge, there was a mass extermination of civilians, which reduced the population of Cambodia from 7.5 to 6 million.

In fact, the conflict ended recently. It was not until Pol Pot's death in 1998 that the remaining Khmer Rouge surrendered.

Currently, this country is in reconstruction of everything destroyed both material and non-material. Its population, the great majority under 30, lives and works with enthusiasm to raise it. Nonetheless, there are still topics such as prostitution of minors, a fact evident in the Capital between tourists and adolescent girls.

The image I show you is the Royal Palace. Phnom Penh, Cambodia, September 2014.


Royal Palace
by Wallace

Royal Palace

National Museum
by Wallace

National Museum

Psar Thmay [KH]
Phnom Penh - Psar Thmei

Central Market, Phnom Penh


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Phnom Penh!
Most notably Wallace and David ruiz luna.