
Pier 7

San Francisco Pier 7
Pier 7
by Michael

We really had fine weather while in San Francisco back in may. A little bit too good maybe. No deep fog rolling in at the Golden Gate bridge so I looked for other things to shoot. Here's a view from Pier 7. I was fine tuning the compostiion for nearly half an hour till I found the right spot and everything aligned perfectly.

Into the City
Pier 7

Every year for the holidays there's a special treat in San Francisco: several of the buildings outline themselves in lights and a light on top of the...

Benches with a Bridge View
Pier 7

San Francisco's Bay Bridge seen from the Embarcadero at night. I wonder if this would be a good location for a sunrise shot of the Bay Bridge, as...


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Pier 7!
Most notably Michael.