
Pointe aux Canonniers

Flamboyant Alley - Mauritius
Flamboyant Alley - Mauritius
by Michael

When we were visiting Mauritius last November all was colorfull and blooming. Quite a contrast to the grey Germany. The most colorful trees on Mauritius were the Flamboyant trees. I was lucky to find this Alley in the north just a few miles from where we were staying and one morning I went to photograph it in soft light. I was lucky that some of the local workers were already on their way to work so I included some of them in the photo.

The processing here was tough. I needed three planes for focus stacking and with the moving branches and leaves the stacking wasn't easy to do. But in the end together with some retouching I think I mananged to get a convincing result. Even in a large print you won't see were I did the stacking or retouching :-)

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Pointe aux Canonniers!
Most notably Michael.