Port Elliot

Sunward bound
Freeman Knob

Port Elliot South Australia

10 stopper version of this scene - click left to see the shorter exposure version.

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Rock Scrawls
Rock Scrawls

Port Elliot South Australia

Yesterday, while at Port Elliot waiting for dawn, I was in a very indecisive mood as to whether to head down to the...

Rock pillars
Horseshoe Bay

Commodore point Port Elliot, South Australia

Another image from last christmas's family holiday - trying to tidy up my 'unedited' folder of images I...

Port Elliot

Port Elliot South Australia

Another shot taken from the recent trip down south Also, we are trying to post regularly on instagram as well - follow...

The shorter vision
Freeman Knob

Port Elliot South Australia

You can see the short exposure version of the previous image here - less surreal but details in the cloud. Which style I...

Crumpled Light
Rock Scrawls

Port Elliot South Australia

This morning, I drove down to Port Elliot whose coast is south facing. I sometimes find the south coast a good place to...

Horseshoe Bay

Horseshoe Bay South Australia

Taking a quick break from Karijini with an oldie from last Christmas when we spent a week at Port Elliot. Christmas...

Hammers light
Port Elliot

Port Elliot South Australia

Being at Port Elliot for a week meant that I could explore the area in much more detail than a rushed morning shoot...

Mini Thor
Knight's Beach

Knight's Beach South Australia

This spot reminded me of many images of Thor's well on the Oregon coast. Nowhere near as dramatic but still a great...
