
Porvoon seutukunta

Sunset in Porvoo, Finland
Porvoo, Finland
by Adelheid Smitt

Porvoo is a very picturesque town near the Southern Finnish coast. It is about an hour's drive east of Helsinki. The boathouses along the riverfront are especially photogenic, I think.

Evening in old Porvoo, Finland
Porvoo, Finland
by Adelheid Smitt

The old town of Porvoo in southeastern Finland is one of the best preserved Finnish wooden towns. Vanha Porvoo has several quaint streets like this with pretty wooden houses. It is definitely one of Finland's most picturesque towns.

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Porvoon seutukunta!
Most notably Andrey Sulitskiy, Jyrki Salmi and Adelheid Smitt.