
Praia das Maçãs

Praia das Macas
Portugal - Praia das Macás
by Michael

This photo is from the archives. Now laying dormant on my harddrive for nearly 1,5 years. I know when I took this photo I thought, this would look great. But later at home somehow it didn't work for me. Now after such a long time I again understand why I took this photo. I love the cracks in those shore rocks and this bright rock in it's middle. Also how the cracks have the shape of a star was what had me drawn to this composition. Well the sunset was just awesome that evening, nothing wrong with the sky :-)

This is from one exposure. I think I was using a lee 0.6 hard GND and a polarizer.

Hope you like it.


Portugal - Praia das Macás
Portugal - Praia das Macás
by Michael

Sunset on the second day of our vacation in Portugal. During the day the weather was not so nice - cloudy, windy and a bit chilly too. So for sunset I didn't expect much so we just went to the neighbour beach of the place we stayed. Well everything changed for sunset, the sky started clearing up, I found myself in a great location with lots of interesting rocks on the beach (didn't have this on my list at all ) and the colors were getting better and better.

The result is above image where I did nearly nothing to the colors, it's mainly some contrast and d&b here. I used a 0.6 Lee Gnd again to keep the dyn range in check. Ah how I love those filters :-) As with my last image I focused a bit more on minimalistic composition, so not to distract the viewer to much from the colors in the sky and on the beach. I used my polarizer turned so the reflection on the beach was very bright, I think this look particularly nice! hope you like it too!

There's much much more to come soon!


Portugal - Praia das Macás
by Michael

I just can't stop it.. here's another one from portugal, not the big scenic shot but more focused on those jagged rocks and the water tumbling around them. This was also shot in Praia das Macas during a very colorful sunset.

And I'm sorry but I fear I will have to post some more photos from portugal over the next time, the weather here just sucks currently and if there's a decent sunset, I just can't find anything valuable to photograph. Yesterday I was driving around the local area here for about two hours deperately searching for something worth to shoot.... Well guess I have to go to the german Alps or the black forest again soon, here it's just too frustrating :-(

So I keep posting stuff from Portugal..... and at the latest in mid may you'll see some brand new stuff. I'm currently working out the last details for my trip to Scotland in may. If you have any suggestions you're welcome. The plan is Trossachs, Glencoe area, Skye, loch torridon area, Stonehaven and a bit of the east coast, Edinbrugh... Hope I'm not missing something important, for the north there's just not time :-(

tips are welcome :-)


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Praia das Maçãs!
Most notably Michael.