
Purbeck Coast Marine Conservation Zone

Durdle Door
by Clive Griffiths

Having successfully delivered a bicycle to Southampton, but wishing to avoid the traffic jams around the Berkshire County Show, I decided to take a very roundabout but scenic route home. I cut through the New Forest, and found myself on the Jurassic Coast. I had Monty with me, so there was a good excuse to go for a walk on the shingle beach by Durdle Door - which for the uninitiated, is this spectacular sea arch. Being a Saturday there were still a few folk about even though it was starting to get on in the evening - but a long exposure does make a few disappear.... Much to my annoyance I did have to wait for a rather over-amorous couple to shift out of the way. Fortunately for me, and perhaps less fortunately for these two would-be exhibitionist Porn-stars, the sea temperature was a bit on the chilly side so they gave up fairly quickly. I really am turning into a grumpy old man.....

Cave View of Durdle Door, Dorset
Durdle Door

Landscape Photography Workshops & 1-2-1 Tuition www.melvinnicholson.co.uk

Taken on a three-day workshop that I ran last week in Dorset.


Early Doors on Boxing Day
Durdle Door

I went down to Durdle Door on Boxing Day morning and was rewarded with a beautiful sunrise.

I have a bit of a funny time with Durdle Door, it's 6...

Durdle Door

Thanks for looking :-)

Embracing the Grey
Close to the Edge
by Heike Rosenbaum

A very grey and moody evening at Kimmeridge Bay

Isle of Purbeck, Dorset

Doorway to the Stars
Durdle Door

Milky Way and Mars over Durdle Door, Dorset. Foreground is a stack of a few shots taken during blue hour at about 20:30 (5s at f/8 ISO 1250), night...

Durdle Door and Bat's Head, Dorset
Durdle Door

Following on from a very successful four days spent in Dorset last week where I had a new client for a couple of days personal 1-2-1 tuition and a...

Durdle Door
Durdle Door

View of Durdle Door during a dramatic storm. Durdle Door is a natural rock arch on the Jurassic coastline of Dorset and one of the most iconic sites...

Star gate ...
Durdle Door

I have seen so many images of the Milky way over Durdle door & have always wanted to try it for myself ... On Friday night I was lucky enough to be...

Durdle Door Sept 2018
Durdle Door

A stormy day down at Durdle Door, I was taking some long exposures and got lucky with the pattern of this receding wave leaving a small amount of...

Stunning Sunrise over Durdle Door, Dorset
Durdle Door

7.10am on a gorgeous morning at Durdle Door mid-September this year and having parked up by the roadside and walked the twenty-five minute walk down...

Great Britain: Durdle Door
Durdle Door

Dramatic, stormy conditions over Durdle Door. Durdle Door is a natural rock arch on the Jurassic coastline of Dorset. Durdle Door is one of the most...

Close to the Edge
Close to the Edge

Kimmeridge, Dorset


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Purbeck Coast Marine Conservation Zone!
Most notably Heike Rosenbaum and Clive Griffiths.