Red Rock Lake

Red Rock Lake
  • a love of sunsets

A look back at a calm beautiful July evening at Red Rock Lake, as the daily cloud buildup dissipates and the crepuscular rays...
Shine on
Red Rock Lake

The sun's rays make their last stand of the day on the summer solstice above Red Rock Lake and the Indian Peaks near Ward, Colorado.
Red Rock Lake

It wasn't done... Despite my assessment that the sun was too far down to provide any color in the sky, having put the tripod legs up and the camera...
Red Rock Lake

During prolonged sunsets, the color transition from yellow to orange, and finally to deep red can be awe inspiring. I am particularly fond of the...
Into thin ice
Red Rock Lake

First blush of sunlight on the Indian Peaks from Red Rock Lake. The ice that has formed here is probably short lived, with a week of winds and...