
Región de Los Ríos

Carretera Austral, Chile
Carretera Austral, Chile
by StarCitizen

The Carretera Austral (CH-7, in english: Southern Way) is the name given to Chile's Route 7. The highway runs south for about 1,240 kilometers (770 mi) from Puerto Montt to Villa O'Higgins, passing through rural Patagonia.[1]

This area is characterized by thick forests, fjords, glaciers, canals and steep mountains.

Carretera Austral provides road access to Chile's Aysén Region and southern parts of Los Lagos Region. These areas are sparsely populated and despite its length, Carretera Austral provides access to only about 100,000 people. The largest city along the entire road is Coyhaique with a population of 44,850

Pano Lago Gemelos
Lago Gemelos

Vista de sur a norte, al final, después del desagüe, está el lago Gris.

Región de Los Ríos, Chile central.

Pano El Caulle
El Caulle

Parte de las coladas de la erupción de 1960 con el volcán Puyehue al fondo. Se alcanza a distinguir el campamento junto al río. Parque Nacional...


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Región de Los Ríos!
Most notably StarCitizen.