
Rione IV Campo Marzio

Spanish Steps
Spanish Steps
by Jakub Slováček

The Spanish Steps between Piazza di Spagna with Fontana della Barcaccia and Trinità dei Monti church at the top.

The Spanish Steps - Rome
Spanish Steps

Blue hour photo of the Spanish Steps in Rome, Italy. My hotel was only a couple of minutes walk form the Spanish Steps, which helped in getting this...

La forma dell'ascesa.

Antica scala elicoidale.

Zuccari Palace
Zuccari Palace
by Di_Chap

Rome, Italy

Spanish Steps

It's rare to see the Spanish Steps in Rome without a horde of icecream-licking tourists, but renovations can be a blessing. Like this, the place has...


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Rione IV Campo Marzio!
Most notably Jakub Slováček, Di_Chap and SIMON Hervé.