
Royal Liverpool Golf Course

Neptune Descending
by Alan Taylor

Taken on a trip around the sights of Merseyside with Neil Hulme and Colin Jarvis.

by Pete Rowbottom

I've noticed during this lockdown that a lot of people are going back through their images and uploading some great stuff that would probably otherwise still be lying on hard drives undiscovered, so I decided to set myself a challenge this morning, instead of editing 'new' photo's, I would trawl back to over 5 years ago to see what I could find, and I wanted to find 3 images that I liked that hadn't seen the light of day before.

It wasn't as easy as it sounds!! there was some right junk in there, images shot badly, lens flares, non accurate expsoures, general rubbish, and softer images in some cases due to poorer glass.

So far I've managed to find 2, through the first few folders I went through, going back to February 2014, this being one of them, the other strangley enough is totally different but also shot on the same day.

West Kirkby marine lake on the Wirral, and I seem to have gone for a really low perspective here with this one, which I still love doing some 6 years later.

Revisiting these images has rekindled some great memories, given some some good ideas about places to revisit, and has been a good marker to compare 6 years of progression in my shooting.

Oddly enough, apart from the aperture choice and focus point, there's not a lot I would do differently if I shot this today, on the others there certainly was !

Lots more images on my personal website here - regularly updated

Will there be enough water?
by Alan Taylor

"Will there be enough water When my ship comes in" The Dead WeatherI just happened to be listening to this track on Spotify while I was processing this image

I always said that I wouldn't do one of these selfie LE shots. But now I have.

by Pete Rowbottom

Shot at the Marine Lake, West Kirkby, just before sundown, looking across the Dee Estuary towards North Wales. 212 seconds f16.

View my most interesting shots on Flickriver here: www.flickriver.com/photos/pete37038/popular-interesting/.

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Royal Liverpool Golf Course!
Most notably Pete Rowbottom and Alan Taylor.