
São João das Lampas e Terrugem

The wall - Magoito, Portugal
The wall - Magoito, Portugal
by Michael

The Magoito beach in Portugal is a beautiful place. It's at the feet of some steep cliffs and you can walk quite a time there exploring. Jutting out of the sand are various rock formations and during sunset on our fourth day I was running around between 'em searching for good comps.

This nice rock wall was one of my last finds there. I liked the two distinct colors of it, the redish on the left and the blueish on the right side so I snapped a shot. I waited for the incoming tide to create some movement through the gap.

About the shot: Hoya HD Pol + Lee 0.6 hard gnd Postprocessing was some d&b and selective color increases but just so to arrive at the scene I saw there. Out of cam it was lacking a bit as usual ;-)

hope you like it!

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to São João das Lampas e Terrugem!
Most notably Joao Eduardo Figueiredo and Michael.