Frankfurt am Main
Play this picture as a jigsaw puzzle
Ok just a short interruption from the Alps uploads.
Last weekend we were visiting some friends in Frankfurt and on saturday evening before driving back I had some spare time to go out shooting. Just two hours and quite spontaneous (first I didn't even want to bring my cam) so I didn't do any planning on subjects to shoot.. Well I headed to the Main for the obvious shots as you can see above.
I used some manual exposures between 10 and 60 seconds to do a dri blending. The reflections came out quite nice and I'm content with what I got out of this trip, after all first I didn't even plan on shooting :-) Next time I will do some more planning since I know from some other photostreams around here that this city has so much more to offer when shooting architecture or maybe I need a local Guide ;-)
Hope you like it anyway and thanks for your comments especially for getting two out of my last 4 uploads into explore, doesn't happen to often on my stream.
PS: the exifs shown on the right are not right. They are from the f/16 ISO 400 shot I did in addition to the f/8 Iso 100 shots just to see if the stars around the lights come out a bit better and to blend that in. When you layer multiple shots together in ps it takes the exifs from the firstst shot which is loaded. My canon would create way to much noise on iso 400 and 30 seconds.
Long distance train station hall of Frankfurt Airport . HDR of 5 RAWs
Better on black > click L
Photo © Copyright 2011 Marc Haegeman. All Rights...
Dreikönigskirche, Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany
Die Skyline von Frankfurt bei Sonnenuntergang
Frankfurt Germany cloudy day
Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Sud!
Most notably Heike Rosenbaum, Michael and Christian Seifert.