Amalfi Coast I Italy
one more from Amalfi
Un tramonto con dei colori quasi irreali in costiera Amalfitana.
Amalfi Coast / Italy
UNESCO : Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park with the Archeological Sites of Paestum and Velia, and the Certosa di Padula Date of Inscription:...
UNESCO : Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park with the Archeological Sites of Paestum and Velia, and the Certosa di Padula Date of Inscription:...
Trio of images from Nocelle, looking down the Amalfi coast at Positano, with Capri island in the far distance which from this perspective appears...
Trio of images from Nocelle, looking down the Amalfi coast at Positano, with Capri island in the far distance which from this perspective appears...
One of the famous views over The Amalfi coast from the Villa Rufolo in the village of Ravello. To get this view you need to pay an entrance fee to the gardens.
Incredibilmente tra stradine strette e piene di curve ecco aprirsi una stretta insenatura bagnata dal mare di nome Furore. Una particolare luce del pomeriggio lo illumina e alcuni turisti settembrini ne approfittano per un fresco bagno...
Un piccolo golfetto subito dopo Amalfi nasconde come una conchiglia questa piccola cittadina che come una perla nascosta è stata una grande sorpresa trovarla.
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UNESCO : Costiera Amalfitana Date of Inscription: 1997 Criteria: (ii)(iv)(v)
4 x 3 Pictures
UNESCO : Costiera Amalfitana Date of Inscription: 1997 Criteria: (ii)(iv)(v)
UNESCO : Costiera Amalfitana Date of Inscription: 1997 Criteria: (ii)(iv)(v)
A sunny day on the Amalfi coast, a tourist hotspot. I remember it was impossible to find a parking spot, so I jumped out of our van and took this photo while the rest of our group drove circles before picking me up again. This year it will be very different there. My best wishes go to all the people in this beautiful country who make their living in tourism, and are facing a very difficult year. I hope we can all travel again soon, for our sake and for theirs.
Die Villa wurde von der einflussreichen und wohlhabenden Familie Rufolo im 13. Jahrhundert errichtet. Die Rufolo stammten ursprünglich aus Rom und besaßen eigene Schiffe und Banken in Apulien und auf Sizilien. Im 14. Jahrhundert war König Robert von Anjou Gast in der Villa. Diese ging danach durch die Hände weiterer Familien wie den Confalone, Muscettola und den d'Afflitto. Im Jahr 1851 wurde die Villa an den schottischen industriellen Francis Neville Reid verkauft, welcher eine grundlegende Umgestaltung vornahm. In dieser Form sind die Villa und der Garten noch heute zu besichtigen.
In den Gärten der Villa fand Richard Wagner 1880 die Inspiration für das Bühnenbild des 2. Aktes (Klingsors Zaubergarten) seiner Oper Parsifal. Auch andere Musiker wie Edvard Grieg und Giuseppe Verdi waren von den Gärten beeindruckt. (wikipedia)
Digging in old photos is probably one of the best things to do in times of Corona Virus, when you're tied to the house. Here is a picture from a wonderful trip to Amalfi. Hopefully Italy will overcome this dramatic crisis like ourselves and we can travel to this wonderful country again soon.
Una splendida terrazza che offre una vista mozzafiato in una delle cotiere più famose d'Italia: la costiera Amalfitana.
Costiera Amalfitana, Italy © | Marcopolo
Photoreportage for the travel magazine "Marcopolo"
known as the "Garden of the Soul",
UNESCO : Costiera Amalfitana Date of Inscription: 1997 Criteria: (ii)(iv)(v)
Trio of images from Nocelle, looking down the Amalfi coast at Positano, with Capri island in the far distance which from this perspective appears...
UNESCO : Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park with the Archeological Sites of Paestum and Velia, and the Certosa di Padula Date of Inscription:...
© 2017 Marc Haegeman. All rights reserved
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Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Salerno!
Most notably Walter Maurer, Mario Calma and Salvatore Petrantoni.