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San Diego

San Diego's Sunset Cliffs Natural Park is a breathtaking location that offers stunning views of the Pacific Ocean and the rugged coastline. This park is a popular destination for photographers, as it provides a variety of unique and picturesque locations for capturing the beauty of nature. From the towering cliffs to the sandy beaches, Sunset Cliffs Natural Park offers a diverse range of landscapes that are perfect for photography.

To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders…
Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times…
by Sandeep Thomas
  • Lao Tzu.

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Recently during the thanksgiving weekend, we decided to head to San Diego and see if we could get some nice sunset shots. I have heard and read so much about sunset cliffs that we decided to head there and after sitting in LA traffic for about 3 hours we finally reached just after the sun went down. The location itself was nothing spectacular especially if you compare it to more dramatic coastlines of Big Sur or Oregon. Bu t what was interesting was the cloud formations in the sky and the small puddles on the shore that work as nice for ground interests. Here is one of the shots I made there hope y'all like it. Thanks for visiting.

Sunset Cliffs Twilight
Sunset Cliffs Twilight

Blue Hour shot at a spot on the San Diego coast called Sunset Cliffs Natural Park. Gorgeous views abound, and tons of great foreground to include in...

Photograph: a picture painted by the sun without instruction in art...
Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times…
by Sandeep Thomas
  • Ambrose Bierce.

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Here is another shot from the Thanks giving day weekend. This shot was made at the sunset cliffs location just after sunset. We got into one of those gridlocks that socal is famous for and only reached this location just after sunset. So I had little time to hunt for good foreground interests and get myself familiar with the location, but the incredible cloud formation and light more than made up for it. Thanks for visiting.

Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times…
Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times…
by Sandeep Thomas
  • Aeschylus.

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I first read about the sunset cliffs of San Diego completely by accident but once I saw some pictures of the place, me and my wife agreed that this is a place that we need to visit. Since we live close it was just a 2-hour drive and adding to the trip was some of the great sushi places that are home to San Diego. So, we decided to make a day of it. The goal was to start early and make the two-hour drive to get to sunset cliffs well before sunset. Well, it didn’t go according to plans. On a Saturday that we planned the drive down south, there was a huge pileup on 405 and it literally turned into a parking lot while the emergency crews worked on clearing the debris. We lost hours on the road and what seemed like a 2 to 3 hour trip turned out costing us way more time than we previously thought.

The one thing that kept me from going nuts was the promise of a great sunset as the sky that day was full of clouds that every photographer dreams off. Finally, the traffic eased up and allowed us to reach our destination but just as we parked the sun went behind the horizon robbing us of the sunset shot. But there was still a lot of color in the sky and I managed to find some potholes that this location is famous for to use as foreground interest. The interesting thing about this image was that the light completely messed with my camera that day and the auto white balancing was completely thrown off. Thankfully I was shooting raw instead of jpegs and I was able to correct the white balance later. I used a two stop ND grad to get the sky a bit dimmer to match the ground which was darker. I didn’t use a polarizer as I wanted a reflection of the sky in the puddles.

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to San Diego!
Most notably Sandeep Thomas.