
Silk Exchange

La Lonja De La Seda (The Silk Exchange)
La Llotja de València
by jim stephenw

The Lonja is an emblematic building of the city and one of the most famous civil gothic monuments in Europe. It was declared a National Historic and Artistic Monument in July 1931 and was made a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in December 1996. The Lonja is located in the centre of the city - in front of the Central Market and the Temple of Santos Juanes - and occupies a rectangular area of 1.990 square metres.

La Lonja De La Seda (The Silk Exchange)
La Llotja de València
by jim stephenw

The Lonja is an emblematic building of the city and one of the most famous civil gothic monuments in Europe. It was declared a National Historic and Artistic Monument in July 1931 and was made a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in December 1996. The Lonja is located in the centre of the city - in front of the Central Market and the Temple of Santos Juanes - and occupies a rectangular area of 1.990 square metres.

847 - La Llotja de València (País Valencià ) ////
La Llotja de València
by Joanot Bellver

La Llotja de la seda (València) País Valencià ////

469 - La Llotja de la llum de València (estudi) País Valencià ////
La Llotja de València
by Joanot Bellver

** La llotja de la seda o dels Mercaders o la llotja de València, (València) l'Horta, País Valencià ////************ No Awards, Please! - All right reserved - Contact: joanot@cmail.cat

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Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Silk Exchange!
Most notably Joanot Bellver and jim stephenw.