
South Aegean

Santorin classic
Oia at Santorini
by Walter Maurer

I think every photographer who comes to Santorin wants to have this shot in the pocket. And I've got this already on my first evening in Oia. What a color burst. Spent three more sunsets at the same spot but never had colors like this again.

D5D_4466 浪漫聖托里尼 Romantic in Santorini
Oia at Santorini
by Lin Jan

希臘 Greece ;Hellenic Republic;Santorini Santorini 位於 Kiklades 南端,原本是個圓形島嶼,西元前1450年因火山爆發,導致島中間沉入大海,形成高斷層的噴火口形盤層。島上主要特產是葡萄酒.蕃茄及海產。 有人認為 Santorini 是傳說中於西元前一千五百年因火山爆發的失落文明亞特蘭提斯 Atlantis。島上火山斷崖坡上,有迷宮小巷,商店.餐館.酒吧.咖啡館林立, 白色小屋層層相連,錯落有致,形成獨特的城市。

Blue Domes of Oia
by Walter Maurer

This is for sure my personal favorite from all of my Oia photos. The perfectly white houses, the position of the three blue domes, the red house as a counterpoint, the deep blue sea with the anchoring boats in a circle, the islands in the distance and most important, this awesome sky. Seems more like a painting from a Greek dream, then an image from reality. Tell me how you see it.

You want higher resolution go to my Flicks site

Santorini morning
Santorin bell towers
by Walter Maurer

I admit that a beautiful winter landscape would be a more adequate first post in the new year, but when I look out of my window right now there seems to be no good chance to get one. Temperatures are just too warm and no snow is in sight. So why not stick to last year's photographic highlights. For sure Santorin was one of it. This one is from a series of panoramas wich I shot early morning in Oia. The quality of the light was just stunning.

Santorin bell-towers
Santorin bell towers
by Walter Maurer

One more panorama from my favorite bell-towers in Oia.

by Walter Maurer

The town of Olymbos in the very north of Karpathos was founded by refugees from the ancient Doric city of Vrykous, wich were on the run from saracen pirates in the 7th or 8th century. This place, hidden between high mountains, could not be seen from the sea and was much safer for its inhabitants. Until the last decade there was no road connection to the south of the island but the sea rout. Even today the paved road is dangerous because of its narrow curves, steep precipices and stones wich can occur in your way, behind every turn. A trip to Olymbos from the airport still takes about one and a half hours. But its worth every km. For me it is one of the absolute highlights of the island.

A magical sunset
Do not step
by Vagelis Pikoulas

You can visit and subscribe to my youtube Travel photos channel in the following link:


The old castle Oia
Londsa Castle
by Walter Maurer

Looking to the Caldera of Santorini in early morning light. In the foreground you can see the Old Castle Oia or what is left from it.

New Day at the Beach
Naxos Beach
by Mario Calma

Naxos I Greece

the white chapel
Proni Chapel
by Walter Maurer

"Proni Chapel" on a little hill beside the deep blue sea, nothing else around. In the far you can see the silhouette of Kasos island. Pure Greece!

Blue Domes
by Mario Calma

Oia Santorini

by Walter Maurer

Panorama from the beautiful village of Olympos in the north of Karpathos. Panorama from 8 shots handheld with the small Fuji X100F.

Beautiful Oia at sunset
by Vagelis Pikoulas

You can visit and subscribe to my youtube Travel photos channel in the following link:


Evening at the windmill
by Walter Maurer

I tried to get a little closer to one of the most attractive buildings in Oia. The windmill. I think it's been a while since these wheels have been turning.

by Enrica Fabriani

Oia nos regala la que posiblemente sea la imagen más icónica de las islas griegas.

Santorin Oia
by Walter Maurer

Just back from an awesome travel to Santorin. This is a pano wich I made on the last morning in Oia, a dorado for all photographers and the origin of many Greek cliché shots. Of course I did the same but tried to find my own perspectives. So there will be a lot more from Santori here on Flickr within the next few days. Stay tuned!

Olymbos sunset
by Walter Maurer

Magic place.....no words

by Walter Maurer

This is the charming fishing village Finiki at the west coast of Karpathos. From the Church of Agios Nikolaos you have a beautiful view over the small marina and back to Arkasa.

Oia, Santorini, Greece
Oia, Santorini, Greece
by Adelheid Smitt

This is a very well known view in Oia, Santorini.

Agios Georgios Beach
Agios Georgios Beach
by Walter Maurer

Looking over the beautiful beach of Agios Georgios and the bizarre coastline towards Finiki. This is a wonderful spot to watch the sunset and in addition enjoy an exzellent greek dinner at the taverna Kedros, wich is right behind. This is a panorama wich I took handheld, wich forced me to choose a wider aperture and therefore a shallow depth of field. Regretted this later because I wished the rocks and the waves would be as sharp as the foreground. Learned something: Allways take you're time to put up a tripod ;-))

Lefkes, Paros Island, Greece
Lefkes, Paros Island, Greece
by Adelheid Smitt

Lefkes is a typical white washed Cycladic village. This photo was taken on the main square.

vlychada harbour
vlychada harbour
by Di_Chap

Santorini, Greece

Oia at Santorini
by Enrica Fabriani

Oia, la localidad más famosa de la isla de Santorini.

Oia Sunset 3, Santorini, Greece
Oia at Santorini
by Adelheid Smitt

Another photo from my little Santorini series taken in 2014. I never liked that ugly dark spot in the middle, but I notice recent versions of this view don’t have that anymore, it has finally been filled up with pretty white houses.

Oia by night
Sunset in Santorini
by Di_Chap

Santorini, Greece

Sunset on windmills
Windmills in Chora
by Di_Chap

Chora, Amorgos

Just before Sunrise
Sarakiniko Rocks
by Mario Calma

Milos I Greece

View of Oia, Santorini
by Vagelis Pikoulas

You can visit and subscribe to my youtube Travel photos channel in the following link:


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to South Aegean!
Most notably Walter Maurer, Di_Chap, Adelheid Smitt, StephAnna Guertler, Vagelis Pikoulas, Yi Jiang, Enrica Fabriani and Mario Calma.