
South Beach

Blyth beach groyne
Blyth beach groyne
by Heike Rosenbaum

Blyth, Northumberland, England

Thank you for your visits, comments and awards.

Washed up
Black Sluice
by Pete Rowbottom

Coastal; scene shot not long before sunset at Seaton Sluice, Northumberland, the tide was on it's way back out and had left some debris on the beach which I was going to move then thought I'd leave it in the scene as it I thought added to it...

Not long after I'd taken this shot a guy walking his dog had come over for a chat to see what I was up to, he thought I was waiting for a seal that had been coming close in to the shore over the last few weeks... it's a good job I had this shot in the bag as up to this point id taken great care to not tread on any of the sand and keep it prestine, his dog ran straight in front of the camera and proceeded to start digging the biggest hole I've ever seen a dog dig, it looked like it was trying to reach the Earths Core the way it was going at it ! All I could do was laugh, that was the end of this location until the next tide....

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Blyth Groynes Northumberland coast .
Blyth beach groyne
by AlanHowe

Big Thanks to Stuart Patterson for telling me where these are.

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to South Beach!
Most notably AlanHowe, Quentin 'Q' Thompson and Andrey Sulitskiy.