
South Devon AONB

Eight Legged Monster
The Daymark
by Neil Bond

Well, Saturday was a mean and moody day, with threatening rain clouds to be seen in all directions, so I thought why not visit a new location and try to make good use of the dramatic skies with a bit of Big Stopper slow-motion.

It was not to be, as I seemed to pick out the only bit of blue sky in the South West. Something I wouldn't normally mind, but not what I'd intended.

The blue sky and minimal low clouds were not really what I was after, so tried recreating the effect I was after in photoshop, with a sky I took last year and some motion blur.

240 Sec f/16 Lee Big Stopper + 3 stop High Tech ND solid

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Day Marker, Night Markers I (EXPLORED)
The Daymark

The Daymark was built in 1864 by the Dartmouth Harbour Commissioners, Devon . This hollow octagonal tower rises to 80ft (24m) high on tall arched...


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to South Devon AONB!
Most notably Neil Bond and jim stephenw.