

by David Hamments

The sun sets late in Iceland... I was looking for Puffin burrows on the slopes of Heimaey Island as it slowly dropped towards midnight...

Heimaey Island Panorama - Iceland
Heimaey Island
by David Hamments

Just off the southern coast of Iceland, Heimaey Island (Vestmannaeyjar) is home to one of the largest Puffin colonies in the world...

by David Hamments

Iceland borders the arctic circle, and is often known as the "Land of the midnight sun".... this panorama was captured about an hour before midnight, on Heimaey Island, off the coast of Iceland...

The lighthouse Stórhöfði
The lighthouse Stórhöfði

Undanfari vitans Árið 1905 bar Hannes Hafstein upp fjárlagafrumvarp sem gerði ráð fyrir byggingu vita í Vestmannaeyjum. Lagt var til að sá viti yrði...


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Stórhöfði!
Most notably David Hamments.