Standing Stones of Stenness

Stones of Stenness
Standing Stones of Stenness

A moody wet and windy morning at the Neolithic stones monument on the Orkney Islands.
Neolithic drama
Standing Stones of Stenness

Neolithic drama - A spectacular end to a day at the Heart of Neolithic Orkney with a sky laden with drama. The three largest remaining stones of the...
The Lightning Stone
Standing Stones of Stenness

The left most foreground standing stone in this photo of the Ring of Brodgar was struck by lightning on 5 June 1980, splitting it vertically. It's an...
Standing through time
Standing Stones of Stenness

Standing through time - The Standing Stones of Stenness that have been standing through time for over 5000 years.

Situated on Mainland Orkney on an...
The Ring of Brodgar
Standing Stones of Stenness

The Ring of Brodgar on Orkney's main island is an incredible sight, sitting as it does on a spit of land surrounded by lochs and close by to the...