
Stora Sjöfallet

Nordic Landscape
Nordic Landscape
by Kari Siren

3 shots stitched with lightroom

Sarek panoraama
by Kari Siren

Slide film, scanned with Minolta Dimage Scan Elite

The North
by Kari Siren

Laowa 15mm

Lonely old pine
Lonely old pine
by Kari Siren

8mm samyang fisheye

by Kari Siren

Stora Sjöfallet National Park, Sweden

by Kari Siren

Slide film. Konica Minolta DiMAGE Scan Elite 5400 II

by Kari Siren

Horizon panoramic camera, Fuji Velvia slide film, scanned with Minolta Dimage scan Elite

by Kari Siren

Tree shots stitched with lightroom.

The window to Laponia
The window to Laponia
by Kari Siren

The total area is about 9,400 square kilometres (3,600 sq mi), making it the world's largest unmodified nature area to be still cultured by natives—the natives in this case being the reindeer herding Sami people also known as Lapps (though this term is considered derogatory). Only parts of the area is actually used for pasture by them. With such a large space, the geography of the area varies greatly; it is dominated by mountains, rivers and lakes. Each nature reserve and national park has its distinctive features. The amount of snow in winter and rain in summer is considerable.

95% of the area is protected as national parks or nature reserves. It consists of the national parks Muddus, Sarek, Padjelanta and Stora Sjöfallet, and the nature reserves Sjaunja and Stubba. The remaining 5% are located in the areas of Sulitelma, Tjuoltadalen, and Rapadalen (part of which is in the Sarek park). The village of Porjus is a natural point of entry to the Laponian area and has recently opened an information center.

The Laponia area also contains three major hydropower stations with belonging basins and a big expansion of 100 wind power stations inside the world heritage area is planned.

The highest mountain of the area is Sarektjåhkkå, at 2,089 metres (6,854 ft).

by Kari Siren

Stora Sjöfallet National park Sweden

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Stora Sjöfallet!
Most notably Kari Siren.