
Tidal Basin

He who knows best knows how little he knows...
He who knows best knows how little he knows...
by Sandeep Thomas
  • Thomas Jefferson.

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While I was shooting the Jefferson memorial I saw this guy shooting the profile of the building, this gave me an idea to shoot the building from side and to get the profile of the statue inside that would be really cool. But I was approaching the situation wrng with and ultra wide angle as it was giving a weird perspective and the electric post in front of the building suddenly became very distracting.

After mucking around for about 20 mins I suddenly realized that the solution for perspective problems were pretty simple when you own a dslr, all I had to do was change the lens to a long telephoto and that did the trick. The Tamron 70-30mm gave me the fantastic frame only problem was that I had to get on my bike and pedal like crazy to get to the opposite end of the Tidal Basin to fit everything in the frame and get the complete statue. All I had to do was wait till I get a clear shot without any people walking by and voila I had my shot.

I am very pleased with this shot as I had to really rack my brain to come up with a solution and I was walking around beaming like an idiot after getting this one nailed..

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Tidal Basin!
Most notably Sandeep Thomas.