
Vulcan County

Mossleigh trio
Mossleigh trio
by Adelheid Smitt

The three grain elevators in Mossleigh, Alberta, just Southeast of Calagary are one of the last remaining grain elevator rows. They were built in 1930. The letters P&H stand for Parish & Heimbecker, one of the companies in the grain business. Originally each elevator belonged to a different company. Recently the elevator on the right has received new siding which is why the colour differs from the rest. I have been fascinated by these monuments of the prairies for many years, and was quite disappointed to find that hardly any of these traditional structures remain, as almost all have been replaced by new shiny aluminium ones. There are rumours about plans to reopen the railway and make it into some sort of tourist destination.

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Vulcan County!
Most notably Adelheid Smitt.