
Waimea Canyon State Park

One touch of nature makes the whole world kin…
Waimea Canyon
by Sandeep Thomas
  • William Shakespeare.

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Growing up in India, my wife’s family was not big on travel. She grew up in one of the largest cities on the planet and pretty much lived her entire young adult life just around her neighborhood. Then she made a huge move all the way to Boston for her master’s and met me, a guy from one of the tiniest villages in India. My family, as I was growing up, was big on travel and my dad has infused that desire to travel to both his children. So, I still think my crazy travel plans is what attracted her to me. My ideas of travelling were pretty simple, and initially it was on a motorcycle in India, then I graduated to a tiny little car, but the planning part remained piss poor. It was mostly going till I was tired and then hoping that I can find some sleeping arrangement.

After marriage, once my wife started to accompany me on our trips, I went the other way, and now I over plan every trip we take. Now this annoys my wife a bit as her suggestions and explorations days are usually mercilessly shot down. Finally, after she grew tired and demanded that we stick to an agreement we made before our wedding that for every adventure trip we will do a relaxation trip. Which according to her would be going to a fancy hotel and relaxing and the exploring the town or city we are in. Now I find this very boring but agreed to her ultimatum under the condition that she would plan it out and she did just that. So, we found ourselves in the beautiful island of Kauai in a wonderful resort enjoying the ocean and beautiful weather.

The first two days were beautiful, and we had a lot of fun on the beach, but I soon noticed my lovely bride getting restless and after a bit of probing she confessed that it is getting boring for her. So we looked up some interesting places for us to visit and something named the grand canyon of the Pacific caught both our eyes. This stunning canyon is called the Waimea Canyon and it had tons of hiking and photo potential. Unfortunately, I had only bought a Fuji x-pro and a 35mm lens which I was testing to the trip and that meant that no serious photo ops. But we had an amazing time exploring some of the viewpoints and trails before flying back home. This is a handheld panorama shot from a pretty popular observation point.

Waimea Canyon (In Explore)
Waimea Canyon
by David Hamments

Kauai's iconic tourist attraction as seen from one of the many lookouts along the canyon's rim...

Waimea canyon
Waimea canyon
by Maurizio Fontana

Kauai Island - Hawaii

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Waimea Canyon State Park!
Most notably Maurizio Fontana, Sandeep Thomas and David Hamments.