

by Eduard Wichner

The fountain from Victoria square - Timisoara

Huniade Castle
Huniade Castle
by Eduard Wichner

The Huniade Castle (Castelul Huniade in Romanian) is the oldest monument of Timişoara, built between 1443 and 1447 by John Hunyadi over the old royal castle dating from the 14th century (built during the reign of Charles of Anjou). It currently houses the History Section and the Natural Sciencies Section of the Banat Museum.

Huniade Castle
Huniade Castle
by Eduard Wichner

The Huniade Castle (Castelul Huniade in Romanian) is the oldest monument of Timişoara, built between 1443 and 1447 by John Hunyadi over the old royal castle dating from the 14th century (built during the reign of Charles of Anjou). It currently houses the History Section and the Natural Sciencies Section of the Banat Museum.

Piata Victoriei
Piata Victoriei
by Eduard Wichner

Piata Victoriei - Timisoara, Romania

by Eduard Wichner

Timișoara (German: Temeswar, also formerly Temeschburg or Temeschwar, Hungarian: Temesvár, Yiddish: טעמשוואר, Serbian: Темишвар/Temišvar, Banat Bulgarian: Timišvár, Turkish: Temeşvar) is the capital city of Timiș County, in western Romania. One of the largest Romanian cities, with a population of 319,279 inhabitants (the third most populous city in the country, as of 2011), and considered the informal capital city of the historical region of Banat, Timișoara is the main social, economic and cultural center in the western part of Romania.

Roman Catholic Church of Elisabetin
Roman Catholic Church of Elisabetin
by Eduard Wichner

Sacred Heart of Jesus Church is a Roman Catholic church in Timisoara Elisabetin neighborhood. Construction, in Neo-Gothic style, began in 1912 and was completed in 1919. The project was developed by the architect Karl Salkovics.

On the Edge
On the Edge
by Eduard Wichner

Munții Piule-Iorgovanu, cunoscuți în literatura turistică sub numele de Retezatul Mic, se află situați în partea sudică a Munților Retezat, a căror creastă sudică o continuă către vest, făcând legătura cu Munții Godeanu. Aspectul reliefului detașează acești munți atât de Retezatul aflat la nord, cât și de Godeanu, aflat în vest, motiv esențial pentru care sunt considerați un grup montan aparte. Particularitatea lor rezidă în alcătuirea geologică, ce constă în prezența calcarelor jurasice cu grosimi mari, dispuse monoclinal (înclinat). Aceasta face ca relieful carstic să fie dezvoltat, atât prin forme de suprafață (lapiezuri, doline, chei, sectoare de văi seci), cât și de adâncime (peșteri, avene). Vârfurile cele mai înalte sunt Vârful Piule cu 2.081 m, urmat de Vârful Drăgșanu, cu 2.080 m și Vârful Piatra Iogovanului, cu 2.014 m. Numele masivului provine de la cele două vârfuri mai importante amintite anterior. În morfologia masivului se disting trei sectoare mai importante: Culmea Piule-Pleșa, Zona Albele - Piatra Iorgovanului - Stănuleți și Culmea Drăgșanu. Aceasta din urmă este alcătuită din șisturi cristaline. O altă particularitate care deosebește acești munți de Retezat este extensia mare a suprafețelor de nivelare (în special nivelul Borăscu) și care apropie acești munți mai mult de Godeanu din acest punct de vedere. Această suprafață de nivelare afectează culmea principală, la altitudini de peste 1.800 m, în special Culmea Drăgșanu și zona Albele - Piatra Iorgovanu - Stănuleți.

Cannon Beach Sunrise
Pacific Sunrise

A couple more early morning photos from Cannon Beach, Oregon, in late May.

Cannon Beach Sunrise
Pacific Sunrise

A couple more early morning photos from Cannon Beach, Oregon, in late May.

_MG_3784 - Pyramids of Amsterdam
Pyramids of Amsterdam

The buildings, situated on the Marcanti Eiland, in front of the De Marktkantine, were designed by Soeters Van Eldonk Architects. Their triangular...

Furnival Gardens
Furnival Gardens

Hammersmith, London

Setting Sun - Zion
Setting Sun - Zion

Setting sun near Angel's Landing Trailhead.

**Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission.

© All...

West Kennett Long Barrow, Wiltshire, England
West Kennett Long Barrow, Wiltshire, England

One of the largest, most impressive and accessible Neolithic chambered tombs in Britain. Built in around 3650 BC on a chalk ridge in what is now the...

Corvin Castle - Hunedoara, Romania - Travel photography
Corvin Castle
by Giuseppe Milo

Check out my gallery at www.pixael.com/en/pictures if you want to see more pictures.

You can follow me on https://www.facebook.com/giuseppemilophoto https://twitter.com/pixael_com https://instagram.com/pixael/

Huniade Castle
Huniade Castle
by Eduard Wichner

The Huniade Castle (Castelul Huniade in Romanian) is the oldest monument of Timişoara, built between 1443 and 1447 by John Hunyadi over the old royal castle dating from the 14th century (built during the reign of Charles of Anjou). It currently houses the History Section and the Natural Sciencies Section of the Banat Museum.

by Eduard Wichner

Piata Unirii - Timisoara, Romania

by Eduard Wichner

Piata Unirii in renovare. Forma actuala a Pietei Unirii dateaza din anul 1988 si a fost realizata de arhitectul bucurestean Șerban Sturdza. Piata Unirii va avea alta amenajare odata cu finalizarea renovarilor.

by Eduard Wichner

Autumn scenery in Timisoara, Bega River

by Eduard Wichner

Iosefin and Bega River - Timisoara

Corvin Castle at Dusk
Corvin Castle at Dusk

Corvin Castle, so photogenic, a few more versions still to come, the city in which it's located, though, is a sad industrial eyesore, the best thing...

Syn | Ergy
Pyramids of Amsterdam

Had my eyes for quite some time on this great apartment building in Amsterdam, called "The Piramids". They look like two separate buildings, but are...

Oregon Rockaway Beach
Rockaway Beach Sunset

Oregon Rockaway Beach Against the cold. Dream of warm summer beaches....

Pacific Sunrise
Pacific Sunrise

Canon Beach, Oregon, USA, before sunrise at an ungodly hour, apparently breakfast time for seagulls.

Guangzhou & Sunset
Guangzhou & Sunset

Photo of panoramic view of the Caton Tower

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Three Cliffs Bay
Three Cliffs Bay
by Richard Down

A spectacular beach in the Gower, particularly when the crowds have gone home.

Huniade Castle
Huniade Castle
by Eduard Wichner

The Huniade Castle (Castelul Huniade in Romanian) is the oldest monument of Timişoara, built between 1443 and 1447 by John Hunyadi over the old royal castle dating from the 14th century (built during the reign of Charles of Anjou). It currently houses the History Section and the Natural Sciencies Section of the Banat Museum.

Abandoned Railway Bridge
Abandoned Railway Bridge
by Adelheid Smitt

The East Coulee Railway and traffic bridge, over the Red Deer River near Drumheller, Alberta, was built to transport coak from the nearby coalmines. The last mine closed down in the 1980s, and ever since the bridge has no longer been used, but it makes for a nice bit of photogenic industrial heritage.

Bigar waterfall - Romania - Travel photography
Bigar waterfall
by Giuseppe Milo

Check out my gallery at www.pixael.com/en/pictures if you want to see more pictures.

You can follow me on https://www.facebook.com/giuseppemilophoto https://twitter.com/pixael_com https://instagram.com/pixael/

Ochiul Bei - Romania - Landscape photography
Ochiul Bei
by Giuseppe Milo

Check out my gallery at www.pixael.com/en/pictures if you want to see more pictures.

You can follow me on https://www.facebook.com/giuseppemilophoto https://twitter.com/pixael_com https://instagram.com/pixael/

Retezatul Mic
Retezatul Mic
by Eduard Wichner

Munții Piule-Iorgovanu, cunoscuți în literatura turistică sub numele de Retezatul Mic, se află situați în partea sudică a Munților Retezat, a căror creastă sudică o continuă către vest, făcând legătura cu Munții Godeanu. Aspectul reliefului detașează acești munți atât de Retezatul aflat la nord, cât și de Godeanu, aflat în vest, motiv esențial pentru care sunt considerați un grup montan aparte. Particularitatea lor rezidă în alcătuirea geologică, ce constă în prezența calcarelor jurasice cu grosimi mari, dispuse monoclinal (înclinat). Aceasta face ca relieful carstic să fie dezvoltat, atât prin forme de suprafață (lapiezuri, doline, chei, sectoare de văi seci), cât și de adâncime (peșteri, avene). Vârfurile cele mai înalte sunt Vârful Piule cu 2.081 m, urmat de Vârful Drăgșanu, cu 2.080 m și Vârful Piatra Iogovanului, cu 2.014 m. Numele masivului provine de la cele două vârfuri mai importante amintite anterior. În morfologia masivului se disting trei sectoare mai importante: Culmea Piule-Pleșa, Zona Albele - Piatra Iorgovanului - Stănuleți și Culmea Drăgșanu. Aceasta din urmă este alcătuită din șisturi cristaline. O altă particularitate care deosebește acești munți de Retezat este extensia mare a suprafețelor de nivelare (în special nivelul Borăscu) și care apropie acești munți mai mult de Godeanu din acest punct de vedere. Această suprafață de nivelare afectează culmea principală, la altitudini de peste 1.800 m, în special Culmea Drăgșanu și zona Albele - Piatra Iorgovanu - Stănuleți.

Santa Barbara Dusk
Santa Barbara Dusk

Pier at Santa Barbara, California, USA. Taken after sunset and non tonemapped. Some Christmas decorations visible.

Santa Barbara Dusk
Santa Barbara Dusk

Pier at Santa Barbara, California, USA. Taken at sunset and tonemapped.

Zion Canyon from Angel's Landing Trail
Zion Canyon from Angel's Landing Trail

The lower portion of the Angel's Landing trail cuts into the side of Zion Canyon. In places near the top, the trail is only 3 feet wide with...

Little City In LV...
Little City In LV...

I jhimages.co.uk I Twitter I

This was taken just after the sun had set. I took another shot at the same time from across the road which is in the...

Shasta over Freeway
Shasta over Freeway

Mount Shasta over the I-5 freeway somewhere south of Yreka, California. This is from a bridge over the road, a freeway exit that serves only local...

Tram Stop
Tram Stop

I jhimages.co.uk I Facebook I Twitter I Instagram

The view towards Arco della Pace in Milan with a tram in the foreground and the evening light on...


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to West!
Most notably Eduard Wichner, Andrey Sulitskiy and Giuseppe Milo.