

Lonely at the top
by Rob Oo

Terschelling, The Netherlands.

by Rob Oo

On Sunday, January 25, 1903, Captain Morel sailed his Swedish steamship "The Otto" from Gothenburg to Manchester, carrying a large cargo of granite. In a heavy storm, the ship sank off the coast of Terschelling. The captain and his first mate died in the accident. 19 other passengers, including two women, were rescued and brought to land on Terschelling.

Exactly 100 years later, members of the Terschelling diving team "Ecuador" raised 33 enormous blocks of granite from the wreck. Dimensions varied from one, to almost two and one half meters in length, and the heaviest blocks weighed more than one ton.

In 2003 and 2004, the Israeli-Moroccan artist Yael Artsi, sculpted some of the 33 blocks of granite. Six monumental sculptures were the result. It was her idea to create maritime elements relating to the history of their origin, and also forging a link to the island.

West-Terschelling, The Netherlands.


by Rob Oo

Whaler's houses at the Commandeurstraat (=captain's street) , West-Terschelling, The Netherlands

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to West-Terschelling!
Most notably Rob Oo.