From Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge
And Patriarshy Bridge
Moscow kremlin in winter, taken from a bridge.
After a month of warm, almost hot weather, winter is supposed to come back to California at last,...
Christi-Erlöser-Kathedrale in Moskau
From Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge
Las estaciones del metro de Moscú son auténticos museos subterráneos. En la imagen, la estación Mayakovskaya, una de las más modernas.
Staying in Russia one more day, almost 180° view from the bridge across to the kremlin. Sadly big capital cities are becoming less and less safe...
Red Square from the bridge, Moscow, Russia. I chose to crop to a square format, the scene to the right of the frame was an apocalyptic mess of...
Sie gilt als das zentrale Gotteshaus der Russisch-Orthodoxen Kirche und gehört mit 103 Metern zu den höchsten orthodoxen Sakralbauten weltweit....
Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Yakimanka District!
Most notably Joao Eduardo Figueiredo, Frank Voigtländer and Andrey Sulitskiy.