

Walkie Talkie (London)
Walkie Talkie
by Salvatore Petrantoni

Architectural wave to te sky... Called also Fryscraper

The Walkie-Talkie of London
Walkie Talkie

20 Fenchurch building

Walkie Talkie...
Walkie Talkie

I jhimages.co.uk I Twitter I

This is the newest addition to the London skyline 20 Fenchurch Street or named the Walkie Talkie building. It has won...

Walkie Talkie, London
Walkie Talkie
by Adelheid Smitt

This was taken already 2 years ago, on a photo workshop with Vulture Labs. I love to dabble a bit in the world of fine art B/W photography. The Walkie Talkie is the nickname for the skyscraper on 20 Fenchurch Street in the City of London.

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to ideals!
Most notably Adelheid Smitt, Salvatore Petrantoni and jim stephenw.