Shot processed with Darktable from RAW. Improvements like Tone Curve, Highpass filters, Lowpass filters, Channel Mixer and others were managed also with Darktable. Haida Neutral filter of 6 steps was used.
Finally, an Orton effect was applied, keeping the first rocks well focused while an incremental and progressive blur is applied to the most distant.
While walking in Fjaðrárgljúfur one feels like living in a fairy tale. An amazing place, really.
Fjaðrárgljúfur is a 2 km (1.24 mi) long canyon in the South-East Region of Iceland. The canyon is about 100 meters deep and through it runs a small freshwater stream.
It’s known to be one of the most picturesque places in Iceland. It’s quickly become one of the most sought-after locations, especially after appearing Justin Bieber’s video “I’ll Show You.”
Fjaðrárgljúfur is believed to have formed at the end of the last ice age, or about 9 thousand years ago. When the glacier retreated, a lagoon formed in the valley behind the canyon.