

Charles bridge
The Charles Bridge - east

Charles Bridge, Prague, République tchèque

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Big Ben & The Palace of Westminster - UK Parliament
Parliament from Westminster Bridge
by Yi Jiang

The Palace of Westminster is the meeting place of the House of Commons and the House of Lords, the two houses of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.

Glowing Dubai
Dubai Skyline with Marasi Dr Bridge
by Jiri Hajek

I got lucky for this photograph. First, there were low clouds flying around Dubai skyscrapers, which is far from a common thing in Dubai. And then a ship entered into my long exposure and lit the bridge from below. Really enjoyed this place!

Notre Dame de Paris in Twilight 巴黎圣母院
Notre Dame from Bridge of the Archbishopric
by Yi Jiang

Notre Dame de Paris (in English: Our Lady of Paris), also known as Notre Dame Cathedral, is a Gothic, Roman Catholic cathedral on the eastern half of the Île de la Cité in the fourth arrondissement of Paris, France. It is the cathedral of the Catholic archdiocese of Paris: that is, it is the church that contains the "cathedra", or official chair, of the Archbishop of Paris, André Cardinal Vingt-Trois. Notre Dame de Paris is widely considered one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture in France and in Europe. It was restored and saved from destruction by Eugène Viollet-le-Duc, one of France's most famous architects. The name Notre Dame means "Our Lady" in French, and is frequently used in the names of Catholic church buildings in Francophone countries.

View On Black

Ashness Autumn
Ashness Bridge
by Pete Rowbottom

I'd pretty much given up there being any kind of sunset here today as it was very overcast and raining on/off, just driving about I ended up near to here and decided to shoot the pier on Derwentwater, as I got there over the wall there were already 2 photographers there waiting for a break in the weather so with 3 being more than a crowd I decided scrap that idea and come up here instead hoping there wasn't anyone else about, and just chance waiting it out for just a bit of decent evening light.

Amazingly there wasn't another soul about here, which is pretty rare, and after setting up and waiting for a while I even got a decent break in the weather as well, it usually doesn't work out like that but if you don't try you don't get.... about 10 minutes after this image a huge storm blew over with torrential rain, which I took great pleasure in watching from the comfort of the car :-)

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Towers in Blue
Tower Bridge
by Adelheid Smitt

The famous Tower Bridge in London during the blue hour.

2000 años. (cordoba)
Puente romano de Córdoba
by angel

Dos mil años nos separan de ese puente romano, mas de 1000 de la Mezquita del fondo, y 500 de la Catedral que se aloja en su interior, en esta toma se junta el arte Romano, el arte Musulmán y el arte Cristiano, todo en una sola toma de Córdoba.

Dubai Skyline with Marasi Dr Bridge
by Daniel Cheong

'L' for the best view in LARGE

Another clear and relatively cool (25 C) evening in Dubai, it is such a treat to go out shooting these days! I already had two shots from that vantage point, but never had a blue hour one.

A little break in my latest B&W series, this one really deserved to be shown in glorious colors! :)

** Dubai Set | Digital Blending Set | Night Photography Set**

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The Charles Bridge - details
by Kamil Ghais

Foggy morning on Charles Bridge

Fiery San Francisco
San Francisco from Treasure Island
by Jiri Hajek

After an overcast day, late afternoon sky started to clear on the west, which resulted in a phenomenal sunset.

Snowy Towers
Charles Bridge above Kampa Island
by Jiri Hajek

There isn't snow in Prague that often, but when there is, it's a great opportunity to visit and photograph the historic center.

Sligachan - Scotland - Landscape, travel photography
Sligachan bridge
by Giuseppe Milo

If you like my pictures please support me buying a print from my shop www.pixael.com/en/shop thanks!

You can follow me on https://www.facebook.com/giuseppemilophoto https://twitter.com/pixael_com https://instagram.com/pixael/

Brooklyn Bridge from Brooklyn Bridge Park
by Nenad Spasojevic

What is your favorite skyline that you like to shoot? For todays post I went few months back in my archives and decided to post this NYC skyline shot from the Brooklyn side. It was very cold but very beautiful evening that day. I must say that I wasn't feeling very comfortable shooting but I did it anyway! What do you think?

Sunset on Brooklyn Bridge
Manhattan from Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan, New York

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Prague Blues
Charles Bridge above Kampa Island
by Michael

Just payed Prague another visit. This time I had hoped for some snow. Well it was cold enough but no snow. Still I got some nice photos. Here again Charles Bridge in the morning, the only time you get this shot without people :-)

This is just one exposure of 50 seconds. No stacking or exposure blending needed. The light was very even during blue hour this morning.


Charles Bridge, Prague, Czech Republic
The Charles Bridge - east
by Adelheid Smitt

Sunrise on the famous Charles Bridge in Prague.

St. Peter's Basilica and Rome
St. Peter's Basilica and St. Angelo Bridge
by Jakub Slováček

Rome, Papal Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican and Ponte Sant'Angelo over the Tiber river.

Sunrise in Prague
The Charles Bridge - east

Charles Bridge, Prague, République tchèque (HDR)

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Puente romano de Córdoba
by Luciano Paniagua Montes

El puente romano de Córdoba está situado sobre el río Guadalquivir a su paso por Córdoba, y une el barrio del Campo de la Verdad con el Barrio de la Catedral. También conocido como "el Puente Viejo" fue el único puente con que contó la ciudad durante 20 siglos, hasta la construcción del puente de San Rafael, a mediados del siglo XX. El 9 de enero de 2008 se inauguró la mayor y discutida remodelación que el puente Romano ha tenido en su historia.

Construido a principios del siglo I d.C., durante la época de dominación romana en Córdoba, sobre el río Guadalquivir (probablemente sustituyendo a uno más primitivo de madera), tiene una longitud de unos 331 metros y está compuesto por 16 arcos, aunque originalmente tuvo 17. Fue uno de los más importantes medios de entrada a la ciudad desde la zona sur de la península Ibérica por ser el único punto para cruzar el río sin utilizar ningún tipo de embarcación. Probablemente la Vía Augusta que iba desde Roma hasta Cádiz pasaba por él.

Desde 1931, el puente, conjuntamente con la puerta del puente y la torre de la Calahorra está declarado Bien de interés cultural en la categoría de monumento. Forma parte del centro histórico de Córdoba que fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco en 1994.

Lead us not into temptation. Just tell us where it is; we'll find it…
San Francisco from Treasure Island
by Sandeep Thomas
  • Sam Levenson.

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My wife and I lived in the Bay Area for about 6 months immediately after our marriage before finally settling in SoCal. During the six months stay we never ventured or explored any of San Francisco’s beautiful sights. We did Trips to wine country, San Diego, and Yosemite but no trips were made to explore the city where we lived.

We always thought we will be living in the bay area so there was no real urgency in the plans, but we got jobs in LA. So last Thursday was my birthday and we decided to head to San Francisco and give the new D850 some workout. This view is of the San Francisco skyline as seen from the Treasure Island view point. The wind was pummeling us during the shoot and I had to hold down my gitzo traveler lightweight tripod to get a steady shot.

Vatican View
St. Peter's Basilica and St. Angelo Bridge
by Michael

Here's the typical photo of the Vatican one has to take when visiting Rome :-) I didn't get a colorful sunset that evening, but the blue hour as usual didn't dissapoint and once all the city lights went on it looked quite magical.

Also, if you have a few minutes and are interested in post processing, my newest youtube tutorial about advanced masking and selections in photoshop might be of interest for you.

Classic Cologne
Cathedral & Hohenzollern Bridge
by Adelheid Smitt

Probably the best known view of Cologne, with the Cathedral and the Hohenzollern railway bridge. A classic, but I wanted to have my own version of this photo as well.

Manhattan Bridge from Washington Street
by Nenad Spasojevic

Finally get my self around to finish editing this shot. Between the initial shot and the final edit it took me around 5 months. I went to this location 6 times while trying to figure out what to do with it. Shooting at nigh wasn't an option cause there is just to many light sources all around coming from many directions. I wasn't fortunate enough to catch the rainy day also. Since there is so many cars parked in the street I had to do something different to be able to hide them and make everything seamless in the final edit. While shooting in the city, I like to do that with this long exposure technique and use the car trails as leading lines as much as the cover for the distracting area. What do you think?

Prague blue hour view
Vltava river from Hanau pavilion
by Adelheid Smitt

A very popular view over Prague from Hanavsky Pavillion. I had to squeeze in a small spot between a number of photographers who were obviously there as part of a workshop.

Medieval Ghent IV
St Michiels bridge from side
by Alec Lux

Ghent is such an awesome city, I even prefer it to Bruges. Many tourists go to Bruges, and leave Ghent to their side, such a mistake. If you want to visit Belgium, don't forget Ghent.

This image was created with: Haida 150mm filterholder Haida 6 stops ND / Haida 3 stops Soft Grad

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Loket po západu
Loket Viewpoint
by Jiri Hajek

Celý den všude pršelo, ale předpovědi slibovaly na západ ČR k večeru vyjasnění, tak jsme vyrazili na pár cílů, s plánem na večerní Loket. Vyšlo to dokonale, slunce začalo prosvěcovat mraky pár minut před západem a pak už se jen postupně měnilo světlo.

Tahle vyhlídka na Loket se mi moc líbí, i když teda nezavrhuju ani ostatní, každá má něco do sebe. Každopádně podzimní barvy stromů tomu sluší!

Bridge over the River Braan
The Hermitage
by Dee Eff

Was out on Sunday witha group of friends for a day of photography. Started off in the Hermitage in Perthshire

The bridge of sighs - Oxford, United Kingdom - Travel photography
Bridge of Sighs
by Giuseppe Milo

If you like my pictures please support me buying a print from my shop www.pixael.com/en/pictures thanks!

You can follow me on https://www.facebook.com/giuseppemilophoto https://twitter.com/pixael_com https://instagram.com/pixael/